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Workforce: Cover letters

Alright, we covered writing a resume. What else should you do? Write a cover letter, of course!

Yeah, there’s some argument on if they’re relevant or not. But if you can add some extra oomph for the job you’re applying too, why wouldn’t you? Even if they don’t read it, they see that you not only have a new kick ass resume but you also took the time to write a cover letter.

What’s a cover letter you ask?

A cover letter is an amazing document that introduces who you are to the company you’re applying for, what you bring to the company, perhaps why you want to work there and it should convey passion for what you’re applying too. It allows you to tell a story that’s not in your resume.

So what are some tips to help you write something awesome that stands out from the stack?

There are three huge factors that impact applicant selection, which are: job performance, likeability, and the ability to fit in with the company. A cover letter is an excellent way to show some personality, since your resume is more formal. You want to avoid an overly formal cover letter, no one wants to read something that sounds like some incredibly old and dull professor wrote it. When you’re writing, write in an honest and genuine format that shows who you are and what you bring to the company.

Remember, this document is meant to show what you bring to the company. They know why you want the job, but what they don’t know without meeting you and seeing you work is your skills. It also provides you opportunity to tell a story, making it more personable.

While you could use a template for your letter, don’t be afraid to free form write it or get creative. Depending on the job, using a creative approach could be better or vice versa. But remember, you don’t want to repeat your resume.

When you write your cover letter, it helps to have the job description pulled up so you know certain keywords to use and what they’re looking for. It will provide a much easier way to show how the skills you possess will benefit the company.

If you choose to ignore a template, there’s a pretty generic formula of how to write out a cover letter. You don’t have write your contact info on your cover letter since it’s going with your resume, but you can add it, if you want.

Cover Letter Formula:

* Contact Information (optional)

* Date

* Greeting (use the hiring managers name if possible)

* Introduction (tell them who you are)

* Hook (this would be 2 to 3 paragraphs which explain how your skills will bring value to their company, make sure to touch on what’s important to them from the job description, list some relevant skills that match the job description)

* Conclusion (a call to action, availability, contact information, reference to resume, or showing gratitude)

* Closing Salutation

So now you know the basics, it’s time to get creative and write your first cover letter. Don’t reuse the same one for different jobs, rewrite or at least revise each one to each specific job to show them that they matter enough for you to take the time to write a new cover letter.

Anything you want to add? Questions, comments, advice, anything along those lines feel free to drop in the comments! I hope this helps you guys out! Let me know how the hunt goes!

Vibe Higher,


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