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I’m Anastasia, a 29 year old from Des Moines, Iowa. Proud cat mom of two rescues.  Mental health advocate. Psychology Nerd. Full of  useless knowledge and weird facts. Here to share the things I've been working on to better myself so you can create the best version of you!

A botched procedure led to six years of unimaginable pain, both emotionally and physically.  It ended up requiring performing home surgery (not recommended) on myself to end the pain and begin the healing process. Once the healing began, I realize how many negative behaviors I had developed that destroyed numerous friendships and relationships.

Once I knew the pain was gone, I knew I had to start making some changes if I wanted to have a happy, healthy and meaningful life. So I've searched every nook of written word I could find, spoke to every expert in multiple fields, created and tried my own methods, listened to as many speeches and lectures as possible and learned from others who had done similar complete life flips to better themselves.


Helping others has always been a passion of mine. I've been sharing my journey since before the procedure, during, after and continuing through the processes. Some of you have been following my journey for six years, some are brand new. Everyone is welcome here. I'm by no means a professional, and I realize not everyone will take my advice seriously. If anything, I hope if you take the time to read any of my blogs, that you walk away with new information and perhaps a change in your perception.

If you do try anything I've offer, enjoy my reading, hate my reading, want to request a topic, want to be on Feature Friday, or anything, please feel free to reach out to me by clicking the contact link above.


I hope my research and entries helps, I hope it resonates with you and I hope it helps you to become the person you want to project out to the world and rings true in your heart. You’re capable of so much in this world, don’t limit yourself with the belief that you can’t change, it’s not worth it, or you’re not worth it.


Every person is different. At this moment, there are nearly 8 billion humans on this planet, not a single one of them share your DNA and no one from the past or in the future will. You are completely unique,one of a kind, a rare gem. You deserve to treat yourself with love and kindness. You deserve to be the best version of you.

Have fun and be silly in life. You don't have to be serious all the time, no one gets out alive.

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