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It's time your actions speak

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Treat other’s how you want to be treated. Actions speak louder than words.

The world today tends to be cruel and unkind. Almost everyone is on social media or message boards has to give their input on something. I’m sure that we have all encountered a cyber bully. Or perhaps known as trolls or keyboard warriors. They aim to leave hateful comments that upset us which leaves us two choices. Respond in the same manner or choose to be kind, which could mean not responding or respond in a kind manner and ignore any further communication.

We need to learn or even just remember to stop the negative talk and criticism. Being cruel may get you somewhere but being kind will get you further and respected. To be cruel to another is honestly a sign of weakness. Plus, kindness could even save a life.

Kindness creates positivity in our lives.

Being cruel or acting superior, while viewed by some as a strength, in reality is a weakness.

To be kind requires courage, to step out of the group, stand tall, and show compassion to another person. Each day presents us with an opportunity to be brave and help someone who needs it, because think about it, everybody needs a little help sometimes. I’m sure you’ve been in need of something before and someone was kind enough to reach out to you.

We live our life almost in fast forward and convenience has become priority to businesses. In a world where we get our food or drinks at a drive-thru, we’re on our cell phones almost every minute of the day, we always rush around. If we slowed down and opened our eyes, we might see the world much better this way.

Do you notice the suffering of others? The person walking down the hall at school, head down with tears running down? How about the empty look in the eyes of the person ringing you up? Or the hundreds of silent screams for help coming from people around us?

We need to take the time to consider the feelings of others along with what feeling comes from our actions. Our generation (more than others) are quick to judge someone based on physical appearance, we judge a person by the outside presented but not the person inside. While we have no idea what that person is going through.

It’s time to really open your eyes. Look around, take it in, process it, and make a difference. Take a stand for what you know is right and show kindness, whether friend or stranger.

Give an honest compliment, hold the door for someone, say please and thank you, smile, make small talk with the clerk if there isn’t a line, refuse to partake to in gossip, telling someone what they mean to you, or anything that is truthful and heartfelt. When we help someone, we begin creating a sense of community.

Let’s not forget, kindness is contagious. It’s been proven time and time again. We’ve read about it, we’ve seen it, perhaps experienced it.

Darwin studied human evolution, in his studies he didn’t see mankind as being biologically competitive and self-interested. He believed we are profoundly social and caring species. He even argued that sympathy and caring for others is instinctual. Current research has shown by devoting our resources to others rather than having more than needed for you brings about lasting well-being.

Psychologist Piero Ferruci believes that kindness consists of six traits combined. Those traits are:

  1. Empathy- The ability to understand feel another feelings.

  2. Modesty- Stop bragging about yourself and your accomplishments, we should practice active listening with the people we talk to.

  3. Patience- Learn to slow down and just live. So what if the person ahead of you is chatting with the cashier even though the transaction is finished? Remind yourself the importance of yours and others human exchanges.

  4. Generosity- Give someone a gift, offer your advice or wisdom, or even just your time without expectation of receiving anything back.

  5. Loyalty- Be true to yourself and others while being trustworthy.

  6. Gratitude- Take time each day to express gratitude for the things you have. When we realize the value of the people and things we love in life helps to remind us of the good things we have.

While most of us think it’s easy to practice kindness, it’s not always so. Sometimes we have to learn how to show yourself kindness first. If you read my previous blog on positive self-talk and thinking, you’ll understand. To learn how to be kind about yourself, you have to remember that any kind of change, internal change especially takes time and effort. It’s not an overnight thing.

If we become aware of how we treat ourselves, we can identify how we relate to others. We need to treat ourselves with kindness, nurture ourselves and practice self-care. If we can do that for ourselves, we can begin to put that outward. We need to remember that as humans, we are social creatures. To be kind, we must focus on what’s happening in the world around us. When we really take in what’s going on around us, we see things which broadens our perspective. With a greater perspective to what’s going on around us, we are able to see more opportunity to lend a helping hand.

Could you imagine a world where kindness and compassion were at the forefront? Where if you saw someone struggling you wouldn’t simply tell them you’d pray for them or send positive vibes, but you actually did something that could truly help them with no expectation of some kind of payback?

Imagine a world filled with love.

Where people weren’t perceived as weak for showing compassion.

We need to slow down, forget our final destination, and enjoy the journey of our life. While we embark on this large journey, with open eyes, we need to focus on how we treat not only ourselves but also the people around us.

Vibe Higher,


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