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Breathwork: Pursed Lip Breathing

pursed lip

Welcome to week two of breath work! Hopefully you enjoyed the first week and found a new things to try out.

I hope that you got to really feel the benefits of deep breathing and hopefully you’ve chosen to keep continuing that practice. It’s time to add another breathing exercise. Breath work isn’t a one size fits all, some people like certain practices, some like all, some hate it. It doesn’t mean there’s not awesome benefits to it!

Breath work has shown to help with things such as anxiety, depression, stress management, lethargy, sleep problems, chronic pain, energy levels throughout the day, PTSD, grief or loss, and even anger issues.

For instance, Every time I’ve gotten a new piercing, my piercer (I’ve had the same one for 13 years) tells me to take a deep breath in through my nose, then tells me to exhale slowly, while exhaling is when the needle goes through. Or imagine women in labor, they’re constantly told to breathe.

Let’s look at this week’s exercise which is called *drum-roll please*


Get comfy, I prefer to do this sitting up, but honestly you can do anything any breath work, anyplace, anytime, anyway, it’s breathing!

Relax and do your body scan, slowly moving your way through all your limbs and body, how the outside senses are feeling, how your insides are feeling, process the general feeling at the moment and it’s time to begin.

Relax your shoulders, if you have a hard time or not sure if they’re relaxed, all you have to do is roll your shoulders backwards with a straight back.

Take a normal breath through the nose for a 2 count.

Now on your exhale, you’re going to purse your lips. Just like you’re going to whistle or similar to duck face.

Exhale for a 4 count through the mouth.

Repeat until you feel satisfied.

I know, it sounds so simple and dumb, but honestly if it is that simple and dumb…

Why wouldn’t you try it?

*CAUTION: Take time when finished to recover, our bodies usually aren’t used to new things like breath work and you may experience lightheadedness, tingling, or dizziness. I’m not a professional, I’m not a doctor, and there could possibly be more side effects that I’m unaware of, so practice caution when standing up. Take it slow and relaxation can cause our blood pressure to drop, and if standing too fast, it is possible to pass out.*

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