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02/01/2018 Life Update

So I know I’ve covered a lot of topics but between topics, I also want to keep you up to date with my life in general. A way for me to look back and a way for you to learn more about my life.

So, if you checked out the other pages you’ve seen I attended(ing?) Massage Therapy School. I’m still stuck in an uncomfortable brace at almost all time. I’ve been thinking and trying to figure out if this was a sign from where ever or if I should forget what the doctors say and keep practicing or give it up. I’m still in pain but I love it so much. I found an awesome little shop with an amazing owner who will allow me to work there doing reflexology, assuming my wrist will allow me. I’m planning a test massage on one of the employee’s to see how it goes. Finger’s crossed, well.

I finally found a job and I start tomorrow (Friday!) at a gas station. Money is money and hopefully I can work my way up. I’ve heard they pay for college so perhaps they’ll send me for business which is something I’ve been looking into.

I made a mini breakthrough, I didn’t let my scaredy cat get side get the better of me. I went out for drinks with someone I’ve been talking to for a few years but haven’t met. I’ve met too many guys who either just want to sleep with me or can be rude/mean in real life or you just don’t vibe. Hell, we hardly over text but a small piece of me said go out, do it, live your life. Let’s just say, I had a nice time. I stilvibed l have no idea if it was a date, if it will go anywhere, or what anything means at this point but I guess I just have to let go of control, engage in some blind trust and see what happens. I feel like he could bring out a really good side of me, the extrovert, and the creative, the loving and open part of me. But I still have my reservations, sorry if you’re reading this *blush*.

I have spent the past few weeks filling holes in my wall, sanding baseboards, door frames, window frames then staining them, and repainting my walls. My apart is looking amazing, it keeps my mind busy, I love hard work and seeing the beautiful results that I can accomplish. It’s hard work and my body is tired but I’m doing something I love.

I spent some time with my mother last week, we got into some deep conversations that we haven’t had before. Sometimes I feel like I don’t appreciate her like I should. She is a warrior. A single mom who had to deal with more than any person should ever have to deal with. She is a force of nature and I love her, to pieces. She has supported me through so much and she’s such an amazing woman, I am so lucky to have her.

I was hoping to write another blog (I’ve got a list of topics I want to cover) but I didn’t get around to it, but I want to update at least once a week but I think now is time for promotion. I’ve created a forum on the page, a contact page, comments should be enabled and hopefully everything is working. If you see any glitches let me know, of course. But I really hope to see people joining in on conversations. I’m considering creating a Facebook page for us, and perhaps if you’re in Iowa a meet up, if not, a video chat with everyone. I want this page to be interactive and I want to hear from you! I hope LL will bring something for everyone and everyone feels welcome, because you are unless you’re negative or nasty to other members, then you will be removed.

But by all means, Welcome to Lobeless Lady. I cannot wait to see what this becomes. I

am so proud of what I’ve created and I hope you do too!

Vibe Higher,


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